Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Final post for awhile

Good evening! I am back home once again. It's good to be home, but hard to be away from my mom, dad and sister. I had such a great visit with mom at the nursing home before I came home. We had quiet time together while most of the residents went to the dining room to listen to a man sing and play his guitar. Mom and I had devotions together and read many passages from the Bible. The neatest thing was that sometimes I would start a verse, and then hesitate, and it was amazing how many verses mom was able to complete. She had memorized them in earlier years and God brought them back to her memory! What a precious time we had together. We also sang some songs and shared stories and memories. God is so good.

I won't be able to post for awhile because I have to send my laptop out to be serviced. I imagine it will be at least two weeks before I get it back.

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