Sunday, January 8, 2012


Hello everyone. I have been doing alot of pondering lately, about life and all that it entails. I have been with my dad and oldest sister the past few days, and each day we go to visit my mom in the nursing home. So much has changed in the life of our family. Things are not as they used to be. Thanksgivings and Christmases have done a complete turn around. We have no more big family reunions. We are all in a new season of our life. I praise God for my family, with all the amazing things God has done for us, as well as all the hard things that He has helped us through. Presently my dad is still studying the Word of God and preaching each Sunday. That in itself is something amazing! Dad is 85 years old. Not only does he do that, but he is also on a radio program with Bill Dagle one Sunday a month. They have been doing that together for 15 years now! God has given dad the stamina for the journey. It is getting more difficult now though. He has episodes of angina much more often than I would like to see. He also is having problems with his balance, and weakness in his legs. Mom and dad were married 67 years in September, and now to have to be separated like this is a very unsettling thing. Mom does well being there for the most part, and she goes in and out of confusion (and goes back in time to her childhood quite often) but there are times (naturally) when she just wants to go home with dad. My heart aches so much for the two of them, yet God intervenes and gives them (and me) the peace and comfort that we pray for. So many of their friends have already gone home to be with the Lord, and many more are critically ill, yet God still has them here for a reason, or reasons. God is still using my dad to touch lives wherever he goes (including the nursing home) and God is using my mom in a mighty way too. She is a joy to all who come in contact with her, whether the staff, the other residents or the visitors who enter in. My siblings and my dad often begin singing, and mom joins right in. She has not forgotten any lyrics during this time. God has given her the words and music, which we all so much enjoy and treasure. Cheryl and I had a precious time with her this week, reading the Bible together, having devotions, reminiscing, and singing in three-part harmony. Talk about a gift from God; that is what that time was. Tomorrow I will head back home to MA, where I am needed as well, yet I leave part of my heart wherever I go, whether it be the Dominican Republic, my home, my home church, or my folks, pieces of my heart remain. I praise God that He is constantly renewing my spirit, and giving me energy to continue on with my life and ministry. I pray that I will follow Him and glorify Him in all that I do. He is worthy to be praised!

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