Saturday, January 7, 2012


Today is Jan. 7, 2012 My nephew Robert is 42 years old today! Where do the years go? How can we understand time? It baffles me more and more each year! I was only 12 years old when my first nephew (Robert) was born. I remember the excitement and the joy that this baby boy brought into my life. Now, all these years later, I am so very proud of the man that he has become. My heart aches for all that he has had to endure - pain both physically and mentally, not only in his own life, but in the life of his precious wife, as she battles with different types of cancer. He has never left her side. He has been her strength, her advocate, her love; in essence her life support (other than Jesus, of course), but he has been the one with skin on.
I praise God today for Robert. If anyone reads this blog, please add him to your prayer list. Thank you.

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